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£21 billion cost of Alcohol and Drug Use in the Workplace prompts CADAS management workshops in Cumberland.

Cumbria Addictions: Advice & Solutions (CADAS) is acting on the findings of a collection of reports highlighting the staggering financial impact of alcohol and drug use in the workplace across the UK.  (CIPD, TUC, HSE, Guardian, Telegraph etc)

The reports estimate that substance misuse costs UK businesses £21 billion annually in lost productivity, absenteeism, and workplace accidents and CADAS has responded by organising workshops for managers to help them save their businesses money while saving jobs and helping people.

The key findings of the 2024 report are as follows:

  • Lost Productivity: Substance misuse contributes to significant productivity losses, estimated at £10 billion each year, due to decreased performance and increased errors.

  • Absenteeism: Employees struggling with alcohol and drug issues account for an estimated £6 billion in absenteeism costs annually, as they are more likely to take sick leave or arrive late to work.

  • Workplace Accidents: Alcohol and drug use are major factors in workplace accidents, resulting in £5 billion in costs related to injury, compensation claims, and legal expenses.

Leigh Williams, Chief Executive of addictions charity CADAS said, “Recognition of the signs of drug and alcohol use in the workplace is vital so that managers can take the right steps to minimise the cost to their business.

“Our experience with some of Britain’s biggest companies as well as small local enterprises shows that the most cost-effective way of dealing with people who admit to substance use at work is to help them to change their behaviour.

“Last year, we worked with businesses to save them hundreds of thousands of pounds in legal fees, recruitment costs, training and lost production. In addition, their reputation as good employers was boosted, meaning that retention improved and new recruits joined with positive feelings about their employer.”

CADAS at Work, the commercial training operation of CADAS suggests several strategies for employers to mitigate the impact of substance misuse, including:

  • Implementing comprehensive workplace substance misuse policies.

  • Making informed decisions about the advisability of workplace yesting from alcohol and drugs.

  • Providing access to employee coaching services which specifically deal with alcohol and drug misuse and other addictions such as gambling.

  • Training managers to recognize the signs of substance misuse and addiction and respond appropriately.

  • Promoting a healthy work-life balance and stress management initiatives.

CADAS urges businesses to take action. By investing in the well-being of their employees, companies can reduce the financial impact of substance misuse and create a more productive and healthy work environment.

Free workshops to inform managers about these steps will be held in Carlisle, Whitehaven and Millom on 24th, 26th and 27th June 2024. Further details can be found at
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